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Climate-risk insurance

Managing climate risk with private insurance

In low income countries, the business climate must improve for insurance companies

Food security

New global alliance

G7 are teaming up with international partners on the “Global Alliance for Food Security”


Ugandan government sees inflation as external shock

Rising commodity prices are making daily life harder in Uganda

National debt

Can debt relief help countries achieve climate goals?

Debt swaps can help countries achieve climate goals, but they are not a panacea

Development cooperation

The relentless global decay of democracy

A two-decade trend of autocratisation is eroding democratic principles worldwide. Providers of development cooperation should take notice.


Workers have mixed feelings about Ethiopian textile sector

Some see modern slavery in Ethiopian garments production, other appreciate the creation of jobs

Global environment

The climate crisis is escalating fast

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns 1.5 degree-Celsius limit will probably be breached, at least temporarily

Global affairs

Keep international promises

UN resolution has isolated Russia, but should not be read as general endorsement of the west

Global debt governance

Escaping from the debt trap

An insolvency procedure should be implemented for states

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.