Our View

Close funding gaps

The World Bank’s reform agenda is an urgent matter. To rise to global challenges, however, more money is needed too


Social presidency in difficult times

Brazil is taking over the G20 presidency. President Lula da Silva is hoping to strengthen Brazil’s international role after the Bolsonaro years, though he faces a major diplomatic challenge

United States

Democracy in danger in the United States

US President Joe Biden has framed his foreign policy as a battle for democracy against autocracy. However, the US is struggling to uphold democratic values both at home and abroad

Authoritarian leaders

Brazil defended democracy more effectively than the US

Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro adopted similar strategies, but Brazil offered a stronger and faster response against threats to presidential election results than the United States

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Silence is not golden

Survivors from all parties to the conflict are gathering today at sites of the Bosnian War. Together, they want to send a message of justice and reconciliation in a country that is still torn apart

Abuse of power

Fighting corruption on an international level

Corruption undermines democracies and supports autocracies. Although progress has been made in the fight against corruption, much more needs to be done

Law enforcement

Police tactics put journalists’ lives in danger

In Kenya, police officers have adopted a tactic of masquerading as journalists to blend into crowds of anti-government protesters


Pay attention to what poor communities want and need

The climate crisis is exacerbating the problems of small-scale farmers in Bangladesh, and they are the least able to adapt

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West Africa

Western governments’ double standards hurt their reputation in West Africa

Ghanaian scholar assesses the outlook for democratic governance and economic integration in the ECOWAS context


Seed banks preserve diversity

In order to ensure global food security, it is important to stop the loss of crop diversity. Seed banks play a central role

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