
Our coffee is in danger

Coffee is becoming more and more expensive due to the climate crisis and the dwindling diversity of plants


How Nairobi fights its waste

Kenya’s capital and metropolitan area are engaged in an internal battle against waste. There is hope that the struggle will eventually be won

Transformative agenda

115 plastic cups in the belly of a whale

Indonesia struggles with the waste of 280 million people. All too often, it ends up in the sea


How Mexican landfills become ganglands

Organised crime controls informal waste management in Mexico

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Overfished water body

Uninforced fishing ban on world’s second deepest lake

Fish stocks must replenish, but moratorium would be painful in the short term

Our view

Appreciating the value of waste

We must transition fast to fair circular economies, either recycling or avoiding waste

Waste management

Circular economy is an opportunity for society

Transitioning to a circular economy is a key strategy to improve living conditions for people worldwide

Waste exports

The rich countries practice waste colonialism

Industrialised countries are disposing of large volumes of their waste in poorer countries. The consequences are disastrous

Climate crisis

Smart technologies in the fight against the climate crisis

Economic innovations and digitalisation are central to holding back climate change and mitigating its impacts, particularly in low-income countries


How Kenya is affected by climate injustice

African countries are least responsible for the climate crisis, but are hit hardest by its effects. In Kenya, the impacts are devastating

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