Gender Equality
Women’s rights

Men must play their part in women’s empowerment

Mariame Racine Sow is a women’s rights activist from Senegal who appreciates that development and feminism are linked

German policy

Germany values respect, reciprocity and alliances

The BMZ response to James Shikwati’s criticism of its Africa strategy

Women's rights

Overview gender equality

Our overview compiles contributions on gender equality

Cultural norms

Digitalising bride price payments

An entrepreneur developed an app to standardise brides prices in South Africa, that encounters much criticism

Gender justice

Encouraging women to profit from e-commerce in Africa

Female entrepreneurs play an important role in Africa’s fast growing e-commerce market, yet they keep encountering obstacles

Call for new authors

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D+C is looking for new contributors


Women take on environmentally destructive ‘development’ projects

The African civil-society organisation WoMin mobilises women to resist land grabbing and environmental destruction

Women’s empowerment

Climate justice requires gender justice

The impacts of global heating are not gender neutral, so the response cannot be gender neutral either

Working life

Vocational education for girls in Uganda

Smart Girls Foundation, a social enterprise, trains girls in areas like machinery welding, automotive mechanics and electric installation

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