
The fate of a girl from Zimbabwe

The author and activist Tsitsi Dangarembga writes about a young woman’s fight for the right to female self-determination in Zimbabwe


Experiencing feminism in Uganda

In “The First Woman”, Ugandan author Jennifer Makumbi portrays the many facets of feminism in Uganda

Law reform

Decongesting prisons in Ghana

Ghana’s prisons are extremely overcrowded. To tackle that problem, human-rights activists call for more non-custodial sentences such as parole or community services


Peru’s crisis of democracy continues

Ever since Dina Boluarte took over from Pedro Castillo, the country’s divide has deepened. Political and corruption scandals abound

Ovaherero and Nama genocide

No real reconciliation for the Ovaherero and Nama

Germany and Namibia’s joint declaration regarding the genocide in the former colony South-West Africa falls short in many ways

Brain drain in Africa

Brain drain in Africa’s health-care sector

Medical professionals are emigrating from Africa because of catastrophic conditions in the health-care sector. Yet the trend also has advantages

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International standards

Better data systems for better social protection

A global initiative aims to develop international standards for data systems to improve support for those in need

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Being Black in Bochum

Anxiety about anti-black, racist experiences is still existing. Experiences of a Ghanaian student in Germany


“We don’t need saviours – we need dialogue on equal footing”

Journalist and founder Düzen Tekkal discusses the progress Germany has made on immigration, and what still needs to be done


Immigrants living with forged identity documents in South Africa

In South Africa, the use of fake identity documents has created a dilemma for many immigrants when using social media

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