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All politics is local

Devolution of government powers to sub-national levels deepens democracy and serves long term stability

Faith-based activism

Essential matters

Why human rights depend on civil-society activism and what role the churches can play


Mixed picture

Governance is improving in Africa, but still leaves much to be desired


Militarily relevant

Civil-society activists in India do not believe nuclear power serves their country well

Civil society

G8 nations at fault

Human Rights Watch finds fault with USA, Russia and the EU


Stealing money from the needy

Illicit financial outflows hurt developing countries and emerging markets

Constitutional crisis

A role for civil society

Thailand's election has not solved any of the country's urgent problems

World Wide Web

Dramatic implications

There still is a “digital divide”, but it is not as destructive as expected a decade ago

Social media

Not as soft as jasmine

Social media did not topple Tunisia's dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali – but they served the purpose


Great opportunities

Information technology opens up new opportunities for improving governance

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.