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Guatemalan government is teetering

Corruption scandal imperils Guatemalan government


Chavismo fights for survival

Parliamentary elections will be held in Venezuela at the end of the year. The country is in a deep crisis

Social inclusion

Seeds of a better future

An urban farm is making a difference in a marginalised neighbourhood of Bogotá


Warnings unheard

Burundi’s crisis was to be expected and the international community has failed the country

Energy supply

Great need – great potential

Private investors need appropriate business climate to build energy infrastructure in Africa

Energy supply

“We need  finance options”

Aware of climate change, African governments must still improve their country’s energy supply

Public finance

Increasing debt problems

CSOs demand UN mechanism for solving debt crises

Southern African Development Community

Murderous xenophobia

The impact xenophobic violence in South Africa has on Zimbabwe


Equal rights for all

Discrimination is a global phenomenon – but some places are worse than others


Thai-style democracy

Almost a year after the putsch in Thailand, the military clings to power

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.