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Popular uprising

A triumph for young people

Burkinabe youth united to end the rule of President Blaise Compaoré

Ghana is setting a democratic example

Nana Akufo-Addo, Ghana’s next president, is facing huge macroeconomic challenges


A blow to democracy

Fragility of Gabon’s political structures comes to light in presidential elections


Close to blowing up

In view of growing tensions in the DR Congo, European and African leaders must act fast to prevent turmoil

International law

The African Court

The African Union plans to extend the jurisdiction of the African Court of Justice and Human rights

International criminal justice

Dissatisfaction with the court

In view of criticism of the ICC, a balanced debate concerning international criminal justice is needed


Slipping apart

Turkey and the EU are drifting ever further apart


We need cooperation, not walls

Donald Trump’s domestic impact will probably be awful, and the international impact even worse


US elections spell trouble for international community

That Donald Trump will be US president is very bad news

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