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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Ghana introduces emissions tax

Ghana has enacted a law that introduces an annual carbon levy on motor vehicles and industries. In doing so, the West African country becomes the third nation on the continent after South Africa and Mauritius to introduce a carbon tax.


Feeding a growing population

Biodiversity: Feeding a growing population

Crisis state

Infrastructure of peace

Infrastructure for Liberia’s new start

Aid effectiveness

The myth of NGO superiority

Aid effectiveness: The myth of NGO superiority

Fighting poverty

“Infrastructure to assist the poor”

How the Asian Development is cooperating with the private sector on infrastructure


Ecuador’s Correa wins on points

Uribe isolated, Chávez embarassed, Correa prevailing


Of tax havens and elitist arrogance

Tax havens and elitist arrogance

Social Inclusion

Income inequality in the EU

According to Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the gulf between rich and poor is wider in the EU than in the USA

Conflict prevention

Missed angles

Conflict Prevention: Johan Galtung about the role of the media


What it is that makes growth pro-poor

What it is that makes growth pro-poor