
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

An Indian student expresses her concern about global heating

In Kolkata and elsewhere, the ecological problems are already huge. The climate crisis is exacerbating poverty and inequality.

Financial Markets

Cooperation is essential

In order to prevent future crises, financial-market oversight must operate at an international level

Relevant reading

Small means, massive impact

Review: relevant reading on microinsurance


Ask Obama

The rights to deposit savings, access credit and enjoy insurance protection


Engaging with the Taliban

Afghanistan conference in London: talking to the Taliban


Shared interest

Germany’s distorted coffee market

Managing for results

Comprehensive thinking

Managing for results is about rethinking how aid is distributed and made use of


Innovations in Sikasso

Health mutual MUSARS runs microinsurance scheme in southern Mali

Social media

The future of networking

Climate debate at Alumniportal Deutschland

Aid effectiveness

Tackling the roots of poverty

First-ever European Report on Development focusses on fragile statehood


Progress in Bangladesh

The limits of the health services microfinance institutions provide in Bangladesh