
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Why some Indian famers are backing away from rice cultivation

In West Bengal, the green revolution made high-yielding rice cultivation attractive. Four decades later, the associated environmental problems have increased – and the climate crisis is further compounding them.

In brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 11 April to 17 April

Great-ape tourism

The closer they get, the bigger the risk

Tens of thousands of people travel to Africa every year to see gorillas and chimps in the wild

Renewable energies

The global transition

Germany is leading the way to transition to renewable energy supply


Many metrics

There are a lot of new approaches to measure poverty, wellbeing and development

In Brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 4 April to 10 April

Identity politics

Dangerous polarisation

The humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine challenges civil society

Development finance

Raise the bar

Civil-society organisations blame international financial institutions for neglecting human rights abuses

In brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 28 March to 3 April


German impressions

A brief history of the weltwärts volunteering programme


Unwitting exploitation

Consumer responsibility matters in the tourism industry


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.