
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Why some Indian farmers are backing away from rice cultivation

In West Bengal, the green revolution made high-yielding rice cultivation attractive. Four decades later, the associated environmental problems have increased – and the climate crisis is further compounding them.

Our view

Dangerous generosity

Philanthropy must be geared to capable and democratically legitimate statehood

Gülen movement

Creating an elite to lead the state

The Turkish Gülen movement is expanding worldwide – opinions differ on the reasons why


Comprehensive approach

Germany’s Federal Government has adopted new guidelines on preventing crises, managing conflicts and building peace

Weapons of mass destruction

Nuclear obsession

North Korea’s leadership is keen on weapons of mass destruction


Zimbabwe’s inner-party coup

ZANU-PF has a history of populist arrogance rather than democratic commitment

Global climate

Decarbonise now

World climate conference emphasises that time is short for implementing the Paris Agreement


“Getting people on board”

The KfW Development Bank becomes increasingly involved in marine conservation

Political foundations

Promoting democratic values

Germany’s political foundations are unique the world over

The Gates Foundation

Private-sector billionaires setting global agenda

Philanthrophists like Bill Gates are funding a huge share of international development cooperation

Poverty alleviation

Dana, zakat and charity

India is moving up the ranks of countries measured in the CAF World Giving Index


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.