
The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.

Why some Indian famers are backing away from rice cultivation

In West Bengal, the green revolution made high-yielding rice cultivation attractive. Four decades later, the associated environmental problems have increased – and the climate crisis is further compounding them.

Misleading language in a German high-profile publication

Small, but ideologically relevant inaccuracies spoil otherwise good reporting

Child soldiers

Back to a normal life

A former child soldier from Colombia reports how she found her way back into society

Disease prevention

Sugar crisis in Mexico

In Mexico, a consumer protection organisation campaigns against the food lobby and fights for sensible health policies


The Turtles of Tripoli

Small groups in Libya have started waste-sorting to protect the environment

Global development

Ignored achievements

In order to rise to future challenges, humanity needs to be aware of past achievements


An erratic US president is playing with fire

Trump’s trade policy is ill-advised and dangerous


Many churches, many names

Scholars disagree about whether Africa’s independent churches constitute a group of their own

African Instituted Churches

Close to God and the people

Why the African independent churches matter


People dying of hunger are “being murdered”

Jean Ziegler, member of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, urges the international community to end world hunger

Our view

Trapped in a vicious cycle

Since the global spread of non-communicable diseases not only results from longer life-expectancies, social disparities must be tackled


Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.