Development and

Southeast Asia and Pacific


Brave Filipina fighting for the factual truth

The independent website Rappler has become an indispensable source of information in the Philippines

Civil liberties

Duterte’s dreadful human-rights record

Human-rights abuses and extrajudicial killings have become common in the Philippines

Indian Ocean

Indigenous communities at risk

Tribal cultures and languages are disappearing from Andamans and Nicobars


Indonesia’s history of othering

Suharto’s authoritarian rule made life hard for Indonesia’s ethnic Chinese


Indonesia’s ethnic resentments

In spite of legal protections, Indonesia’s ethnic Chinese still face discrimination

Military coup

Where hope lies

The military coup is a major setback for democracy in Myanmar


Jakarta’s lasting challenges

Even if Indonesia’s government relocates to Kalimantan, the problems of the former capital will deserve attention

Diaspora communities

To Filipinos, labour migration is normal, not unusual

Masses of Filipino women live and work abroad

Social media

Increasingly manipulated forum

Online trolls’ disinformation is undermining Philippine democracy

Authoritarian rule

Fact and fiction

In the Philippines, pro-Duterte activism on social media keeps people agitated and misinformed

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