South Asia


Progress in Bangladesh

The limits of the health services microfinance institutions provide in Bangladesh


Counterproductive action

German NGOs criticise militarised Afghanistan policy

Pop music

“The real leaders of Afghans”

Pop star Farhad Darya on the power of music in Afghanistan


“In the constituency, it doesn’t matter”

The significance of India’s authors of international bestsellers


A lot still to be done

One year of unprecedented power by democratic mandate in Bangladesh

Poverty alleviation

“Employment in lean seasons”

Employment guarantees are boosting rural development in India

Leather processing

Old industry, ­very slow change

The pros and cons of world-market orientation in India’s leather industries

Women’s rights

The Constitution can wait

Gender-neutral language clouds discrimination against women in India


A severe blow

"Let's hope UN withdrawl from Pakistan is indeed temporary"


“At the moment, hardly anything is being built”

German security expert assesses difficulties in Afghanistan

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