Development and

South Asia

Labour market

Youth unemployment remains one of India’s great challenges

In spite of high growth rates, masses of Indians are being left behind – and young people in particular struggle to find good jobs.

Interreligious dialogue

Building bridges to reconcile religious conflicts

Buddhism is Sri Lanka’s main religion, but others also have a large following. The country has experienced several conflicts over the last five decades, influenced not least by religious tensions.

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Sri Lanka

Rebounding tourism set to support Sri Lanka’s economic recovery

More tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka after multi-pronged crisis

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Sustainable development

Nepal must grasp opportunities that tourism offers

Himalayan nation can benefit from foreign visitors, but must control cultural and environmental harm.

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Modi won, but no longer looks invincible

Because masses of India’s left-behind people voted against the incumbent government, its leading party, the Hindu-supremacist BJP, now depends on allies, no longer enjoying a parliamentary majority of its own.

Landlocked nation

Nepal is sandwiched between two BRICS members

Keeping relationships with India and China good is necessary, but challenging for the government in Kathmandu.

International cooperation

How India’s global influence could develop

GIZ has developed four scenarios based on India’s domestic development, its relationship to China and the west and the orientation of the BRICS+.

Social disparities

India’s tiny plutocratic elite is growing fast

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has delivered pro-rich growth


To define Pakistan as a nation, Islam is insufficient

Pakistan is a fragmented nation with a shaky political system, and the focus on Sunni Islam did not forge the desired unity.

Gender rights

Pakistan’s politically assertive women

Against the backdrop of the global #MeToo movement, a new wave of feminist politics swelled up in Pakistan

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