
Social media

Stop online hate

Social-media companies are failing to moderate their platforms, so online hate speech leads to analogue violence, for example in Ethiopia and Myanmar

Our View

Democracy needs separate branches of government

Elections are important, but unless there are independent institutions, liberty will be eroded fast

Our View

Close funding gaps

The World Bank’s reform agenda is an urgent matter. To rise to global challenges, however, more money is needed too


Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue

Global governance

Cooperation that benefits developing countries

A recent conference examined how China and the West cooperate with partner countries and the impact this can have on democracy promotion

Global food supply

There is enough for everyone

Almost 800 million people still suffer from chronic hunger. One widespread assumption is that when people go hungry, there is not enough to eat. But it is not that simple

Abuse of power

Fighting corruption on an international level

Corruption undermines democracies and supports autocracies. Although progress has been made in the fight against corruption, much more needs to be done

Multistakeholder cooperation

From GFAR to GFAiR

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation changes its acronym to underline inclusion and fairness

Farmers’ rights

Secure land tenure boosts resilience to global heating

Rural communties’ right to use the land they depend on deserves more attention


Investing in rural communities

Smallholder farmers are central to achieving food security. The UN organisation IFAD supports them with funds, access to markets and training

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