Development and


Male allies

Why men must support feminist activism

Men have a responsibility to help overcome the disempowerment that stands in the way of gender equality. However, we need to understand what it means to be a male ally, why it is imperative that men support the feminist cause, and how they can best do so.

Excessive sovereign debt

What G7 should do in response to sovereign debt crises

The 1990s experience of the Brady bonds shows that generosity makes sense when linked to smart incentives.

Restricted growth

Multilateral action on sovereign debt must speed up

The G20 Common Framework on Debt Treatment is useful, but not fully fit for purpose yet.


Why farms should opt for multiple benefit strategies

The usefulness of any plot increases the more purposes it serves

GDP statistics

How GDP statistics are misleading

Higher spending does not necessarily mean better lives


Growth, green growth or degrowth?

Economic development must be made environmentally sustainable, but commonly used terms are too fuzzy to convey that message well.

Development in culture

Overview culture special

Our overview compiles our culture special reviews

On our own behalf

The future of D+C

A new look, changes to the editorial team and the D+C app – what’s next for D+C in 2025.

D+C all digital

Survey results

Discover what will change in 2025 – and how to make the most of D+C content online.

Plant-genetic resources

Many crops are neglected in spite of being vitally important

Traditional landraces are nutritious, resilient and indispensable for the food security of poor communities.

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