Development and

East Asia

Public finance

In the driver’s seat

African governments must make economies more productive, gear them to sustainability and ensure their own financial viability

Political systems

Fighting poverty

The comparison of India with China shows that formal democracy does not necessarily lead to more development-oriented governance

Asian giants

China is ahead of India

Statistics show that Communist China has been outperforming formally democratic India for decades

Fossil fuel industry

China continues to finance coal power around the world

China’s energy policy is full of contradictions

Retirement provisions

From the iron rice bowl to the filial piety law

China’s one-child policy is having catastrophic consequences for millions of pensioners


Never disrupt treatment

To make the world TB free, funding must increase dramatically


Coronavirus hurts Mauritius though no-one is infected so far

Mauritius is a very small country far away from China – but its economy has close ties to that country

Air pollution

Blue-sky policy

Our Indian contributor is impressed by Beijing’s efforts to curb air pollution

Digital surveillance

No one can opt out

China introduces points system for rating social behaviour

Illicit labour

Criminal girls

Criminal gangs have similar gender dynamics in Bangladesh and China

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