Development and

Poverty reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Financing lives

The largest single donor worldwide has halted its development cooperation: funding for USAID has been frozen for 90 days and is currently under review. These actions by the US president are already costing human lives. The global community must save what it ca...


Why farms should opt for multiple benefit strategies

The usefulness of any plot increases the more purposes it serves

GDP statistics

How GDP statistics are misleading

Higher spending does not necessarily mean better lives


Growth, green growth or degrowth?

Economic development must be made environmentally sustainable, but commonly used terms are too fuzzy to convey that message well.

Development in culture

Overview culture special

Our overview compiles our culture special reviews

Plant-genetic resources

Many crops are neglected in spite of being vitally important

Traditional landraces are nutritious, resilient and indispensable for the food security of poor communities.

On our own behalf

Our editor-in-chief says goodbye

Looking back after 21 years at the helm of D+C/E+Z.

Cultural heritage

Kuomboka festival: Zambia’s cultural jewel boosts tourism and trade

Zambia’s annual Kuomboka ceremony unites cultures, boosts tourism and empowers local businesses. Thousands flock to Mongu to celebrate Lozi traditions, bringing vibrant energy and economic benefits to the region.


Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves

Poverty alleviation

Additional jobs mean additional incomes

Stefan Dercon of Oxford University explains why low-income countries cannot develop without economic growth and in what kind of settings growth-oriented policies are implemented.

Religion and sustainability

The sacred forests of Ethiopia

The church forests of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) are a remarkable example of environmental conservation upheld through spiritual reverence, indigenous knowledge and traditional beliefs.