Development and

Aid Effectiveness

Managing and monitoring ­effectiveness

Attempts to increase development effectiveness by improving cooperation go back to 1999 and have passed many milestones since then. The most important ones were the Paris Declaration (2005) and the Busan Outcome Document (2011).
Development effectiveness must be monitored: failed project in the Central African Republic. Koene/Lineair
Development effectiveness must be monitored: failed project in the Central African Republic.

These documents spell out the core aims and principles of cooperation. Several global conferences have endorsed the need to focus on four key principles for effective development cooperation:

  • country ownership,
  • focus on results,
  • transparency and mutual accountability and
  • inclusive partnerships.

In 2012, the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) was created as a multilateral forum. Secretariat services are provided by a joint OECD and UNDP bureau, based in Paris. The GPEDC has three co-chairs and is coordinated by a 22 member steering committee. New appointments to the co-chairs were made at the High-Level Meeting in Nairobi on expiry of the rotating two-year period of office.

Every two years the GPEDC presents a Global Monitoring Report compiled by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It is the Global Partnership’s most important tool for tracking members’ progress in implementing the agreed principles. Ten indicators are monitored. They include indicators for focus on results, effective institutions, joint evaluation, gender equality and predictability of development cooperation funding.


Monitoring Framework of the GPEDC:


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