Natural resources
Illegal fishing endangers Kenya’s economy and environment

Kenya is home to vast inland freshwater bodies and a rich coastline along the Indian Ocean. These waters provide fish that are popular both locally and internationally. However, a rise in illegal fishing is now putting the sustainability of the country’s fishing industry at risk.
Illegal fishing refers to activities carried out by national or foreign vessels in a country’s waters without official permission or in violation of existing laws and regulations. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the impact of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing extends beyond financial losses. It contributes to overfishing, the destruction of marine habitats and the loss of biodiversity.
Economic losses and health risks
For generations, communities living around Lake Victoria and along Kenya’s coast have relied on fishing as a primary source of income and food. As government regulations and controls have increased, some fishers feel their traditional fishing practices are being restricted. Thus, more needs to be done to raise public awareness about the dangers of IUU fishing – not only for the environment but also for local livelihoods.
Experts warn that IUU fishing has serious economic consequences. Kenya loses an estimated Sh 45 billion (€ 330 million) annually due to illegal and unregulated fishing, according to marine specialists. These losses stem from missed revenue that could otherwise be collected through licenses and proper regulation.
Illegal fishing also poses health risks, particularly when carried out in contaminated waters. In Lake Nakuru, for instance, fishing has been banned following scientific findings that fish from the lake contained dangerously high levels of heavy metals, making them unsafe for human consumption. Despite government efforts to combat illegal fishing, the practice persists across many parts of the country.
Tackling social challenges to stop illegal fishing in Kenya
Observers point out that poverty is a key driver of illegal fishing, particularly in inland waters. Many people turn to fishing without proper authorisation because job opportunities are limited, and demand for affordable food is growing. David Kilo, chairperson of the Lake Naivasha Boat Owners’ Association, links the rise in illegal fishing to high unemployment. “The national and county governments should find ways to empower unemployed youths through alternative job opportunities,” Kilo told local media.
If fishing without proper regulation continues, fish stocks could become severely depleted, experts warn. In the struggle to survive, some fishers even catch juvenile fish, threatening the long-term survival of the entire species.
Kilo stresses that illegal fishing also harms the livelihoods of law-abiding fishers. “We support the government’s efforts to regulate fishing. As painful as these restrictions may be, they are meant to ensure that we all benefit in the long run,” he says.
At the same time, enforcement of fishing regulations must be carried out lawfully and with respect for human rights. Kenyan law enforcement agencies have faced criticism in recent months for heavy-handed crackdowns on illegal fishers. Some individuals have reportedly sustained serious injuries during arrests, while others have gone missing after being arrested.
Joseph Maina is a freelance writer based in Naivasha, Kenya.