Private sector
Coherent business promotion

The idea of promoting economic development coherently under one roof refers not only to physical proximity of the offices and the associated reduction in cost; it is the driving philosophy. The cooperation between the AHK and the GIZ is designed to increase coordination between Germany’s foreign-trade promotion and development policy. Business representatives in the host country will receive access to the institutional experiences and expertise of the GIZ and German business experts.
The private sector and development agencies share several goals: inclusive economic activity, job creation, on-the-job training, good vocational training, social standards, corporate social responsibility, consumer protection, environmental protection, renewable energies and fighting corruption.
Through its Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), the GIZ deploys experts to support development and reform processes in the relevant institutions of a partner country (in this case, Mozambique). The CIM experts are given a local employment contract – issued in this case by the AHK – and a local salary financed by the AHK. The AHK also supplies an office and other equipment and covers the cost of operation. The BMZ subsidises the
CIM experts’ employment contracts with a substantial pay supplement. (wb/fk)