Print edition
Contents September issue

Hans Dembowski:
Vibrant civil society life boosts political stability
“New” donors: BRICS without mortar | Germany’s anti-corruption concept | France withdrawing from Afghanistan | Misery in Greek migrant camps | Transition to democracy in Libya | SADC Tribunal degraded | Nowadays: Prostitution in Kolkata
Focus: Civil society
Anthony Mulowa:
Free access to information in Zambia
Agnes R. M. Aboum:
Making peace after Kenya’s election riots
Dzidzo Yirenya-Tawiah and Elaine Tweneboah Lawson:
Improving sanitation in Ghana
Interview with Barnim Raspe:
ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL helps civil society organisations apply for EU funding
Boro Baski:
Our fate in our hands – a community-based Adivasi organisation in India
Peter Patze:
China’s authoritarian regime wants efficient service providers
Laura Hinze:
Eco-protest in coastal town in China
Jonas Erhardt and Nele Bünner:
Banana, coffee, rubber trees – agroforestry in the Philippines uplands
Marcus Stewen and Nand Kishor Agrawal:
Northeastern India must adapt to global warming
Interview with Talaat Abdel-Malek:
The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation assumes duty
Comments on the change of government in Malawi, Zimbabwe’s awkward coalition government and the risks relating to EU ideas
of “blending” development funding | Letters to the editor