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Humanitarian aid

Digital system supports emergency aid for Ukraine

"Last Mile Mobile Solutions" (LMMS) is a digital platform which the NGO World Vision uses to identify people in need and provide them with support. World Vision also uses this technology in Ukraine to support refugees and host communities.

Since the beginning of the Ukraine war in February 2022, World Vision has been using its digital platform “Last Mile Mobile Solutions” (LMMS) in the country (see main text). LMMS has helped this international non-governmental organisation to provide urgently needed money to more than 20,000 internally displaced persons and refugees in Ukraine and Romania as well as members of host communities. In cooperation with local and faith based charity organisations, World Vision is supporting internally displaced people and hosts in western Ukraine and in the capital Kyiv, as well as refugees along the borders and in the Romanian capital Bucharest. A special focus is on eastern Ukraine where the war has made some areas completely inaccessible.

LMMS makes it possible to deliver humanitarian aid faster. Moreover, it helps World Vision to be accountable for the funds that have been entrusted to it. At the same time, the personal data of beneficiaries is secure and protected.

At this point, LMMS is being used in several World Vision projects in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and Georgia. Apart from disbursing cash, the projects focus on distributing food, supplying refugee shelters or providing immediate funding for special needs such as transporting children to therapists in order to process war traumas.

Melanie Assauer is Senior Coordinator for Disaster Management at the German section of World Vision.

Eric Kiruhura is Digital Humanitarian Systems Advisor at World Vision International.

Chris Jansen is Senior Director of Disaster Management, Advocacy and Grants at World Vision International.