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Land reform

Losing ground

Some officials in Malawi are selling public lands in questionable deals

Vehicle tax

Fouling the air

Malawi is imposing a new tax on vehicles, saying the revenues will help to fight climate change


Urteil stärkt Vertrauen in Justiz

Malawi muss die Präsidentschaftswahl vom Mai wegen Wahlfälschung wiederholen


Security-focused modernisation has failed in Afghanistan

An attempt to build peace in Afghanistan – with the Taliban

Identity checks

Securing Ghana’s borders

New identity checks at Ghana’s border crossings are causing confusion


Eisenbahn ins Nirgendwo

Warum Kenias grenzüberschreitende Eisenbahn umstritten ist


Gewaltige chinesische Darlehen

Kenianer haben Bedenken wegen hoher chinesischer Kredite für ein prestigeträchtiges Eisenbahnprojekt


Living on the land – but not owning it

Zimbabwe’s women face resistance to exercising their rights to own land

National budget

Stadiums versus clinics

Controversy about how to spend public money in Malawi

Populist delusions

Self-declared "patriot" wants "globalist" help

The absurdity of what Trump just said at the UN needs to be pointed out

Korruption abonnieren