Poverty Reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

BRICS-members are not coordinating their West-Africa strategies

Various non-African powers are interested in African resources and eager to get a military foothold on the continent. However, BRICS members are not coordinating their efforts, as Vladimir Antwi-Danso, the dean and academic director of the Ghana Armed Forces C...

Humanitarian aid

Hunger in the Horn of Africa

The worst of the east African famine is over – for now


Reconstruction in slow motion

Two years later, Haiti continues to suffer from the effects of the earthquake in January 2010

Financial services

Small servings save development

German municipal savings banks in defence of microfinance

Safety nets

Beyond charity

Social security must not stay a luxury item


Close the gaps

Why development policymakers must not neglect Asia

July/August edition

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor: July/August edition

Multilateral politics

Another opportunity

Ahead of the UN climate summit in Durban, the Green Climate Fund is taking shape

Gender policies

The odds against women

Nigerian trade unions promote gender justice, though not with much bite


Slow progress

After decades of campaigning, women still deserve to be protected and pomoted in working life

Relevant reading

Equality pays

Relevant reading: why it pays to promote equal opportunities for both sexes