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Unwanted pregnancies

Zimbabwe faces a spike in unwanted pregnancies due to a shortage of contraceptives

Conflict transformation

Collective trauma

Violent conflicts can lead to the traumatisation of entire communities

Collective memories

Legacy of wounds

Peace-work contributes to a healing process of collective trauma in Lebanon

Land ownership

How the first redistribution attempt failed

The policy proposed by Namibia’s first National Land Reform Conference in the early 1990s never took off

Land restitution

Righting a wrong

To make amends for colonial-era crimes, Germany should fund Namibian land restitution


Giving refugees a voice

An independent refugee-led online newspaper keeps residents of the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya informed

Idi Amin photo exhibition

Facets of a despot

A photo exhibition marks a first tentative attempt by Ugandans to come to terms with the past under Idi Amin

Recurring trauma

Feelings of aggravation

The history of anti-Muslim violence in India

International Criminal Court

Revisiting the peace versus justice debate

Demands for criminal accountability can be an obstacle to peace

Our view

Belonging together

Nations are nothing natural, but human-made “imagined communities”

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