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Gambia calls for help

West African drought: Gambia calls for help

Growth scepticism

Happiness is a child with a popsicle

Happiness economics: growth has its limits

All politics is local

“Shared goals”

Twinning cities helps policymakers to rise to great challgenges

Urban infrastructure

Urban headaches

Lagos – a city of dreams and nightmares


What if and what if not

Syria and the international community's responsibility to protect civilians from harm


Make it happen

The most urgent challenge is to get rural development started


“Smallholders matter most”

The world community depends on African smallholders and their landraces

Human rights

Legally entitled to a full stomach

Indian government wants to enforce right to food with new legislation


“Promising developments”

Recent agricultural developments are promising

Food security

Risks compounded

Food security is hampered by financial speculation and liberalisation of commodity markets

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