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Chronic suffering

Poor diabetics

The fates of two diabetics in Malawi

Rule of law

Gaddafi’s victims demand justice

Libyans want crimes of Gaddafi regime to be prosecuted

Print edition

Contents September issue

D+C/E+Z: Contents page of September's print edition with links to all contributions


Legitimate demands

Vibrant civil society life boosts political stability


Boosting health

Civil society is paving the way towards better sanitation in Ghana


Silent withdrawal

France is speeding up military withdrawal from Afghanistan

Regional cooperation

SADC Tribunal degraded

SADC leaders degrade the regional organisation's Tribunal

Solid data

Exposed to global warming

Northeast India is a global leader on adaptation to climate change

Selft-determined village development

Our fate in our hands

Achievements of an Adivasi self-help organisation in India

German policy

New strategy for tackling corruption

Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development publishes new anti-corroption strategy

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