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Nowadays: A midwife becomes politician

Patricia Galicia: A Guatemalan midwife becomes a political leader

Development cooperation

Ethical conduct

Ethical guidelines for situation in which the self-interest and the social responsibilities of development agencies collide

Social protection

The South African social contract

Social protection is enshrined in South Africa's constitution, but poverty pervails nonetheless


Crisis-induced expansion

Government-owned development banks matter in the global financial crisis – and they must accept the principle of subsidiarity

Social protection

Rich region, poor people

Many southern African nations experiment with social protection mechanisms, but a lot more needs to be done


Civic space

Civicus assesses civil liberties around the world, and criticises donors for supporting authoritarian regimes in Ethiopia and Vietnam

Social infrastructure

No rest in retirement

In Nigeria, many old-age pensioners have not enough to live on


In brief

Cyclone hits Indian coast, Lampedusa disaster, IPCC report on climate change, post-2015 debate and more

Fundamentalist violence

Disowned by faith leaders

The terrorist attack on Westgate Mall traumatised Kenyans, but did not divide them


Not for everyone

India must do much more to provide social protection to all its people

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.