
Clashes within civilisations

Islamist terrorism is an expression of clashes within civilisations, not between them


Dangerous job

According to Reporters without Borders, 66 journalists were murdered in 2014


Cheap and dangerous

Motorcycle taxis in Tanzania cause many traffic accidents, but are also a cheap way of transportation


Made by human beings

Textiles and garment production prove that globalisation can and must be regulated


Going to school despite Ebola

After six months of closure due to the Ebola epidemic, schools in Liberia prepare to reopen

Middle east

Sovereign action

German law professor assesses what Palestinian Territories’ accession to ICC means and what Israel’s reaction implies

Global civil society

Better partnership

International civil-society umbrella organisation demands better partnerships

Labour relations

“Enforce the law”

Bangladeshi labour leader demands that laws be enforced

Promoting change

Go shopping with open eyes

Support for fairtrade fashion in Germany


Faster – but just as enduring

D+C/E+Z has reinvented itself, and the new cross-media approach suits the internet age

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