State revenue

More taxes, more development

Effective property taxation would benefit Africa’s municipal governments

Press freedom

Jailing journalists

Press freedom in Ethiopia is threatened, with women journalists especially marginalised


Revolution tourism

Revival of tourism will stabilise Tunisia’s democracy, a model for the Arab region


In fear of voters

Many Nigerians believe the elections were postponed because the ruling party was afraid of losing


A better life in the caliphate

ISIS is recruiting fighters in Central Asia

Urban traffic

Happy cycling

A cycling group in Bangladesh promotes eco-friendly transport

Austerity policy

Shrinking states – and economies

The same sad story – austerity in Europe feels like failed structural adjustment in Africa and Latin America in the past century


Death on the southern border

Rigorous protection of Europe’s borders means many refugees are losing their lives

European Year for Development

A special year

The European Year for Development is much more than a PR effort


One voice

The EU remains a global model of peacebuilding and supranational policy-making

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