Post-war reconstruction

“Ten exercise books for 50 pupils”

Why Sierra Leone did not achieve the Millennium Development Goal of universal primary-school enrolment

West Africa

Starting anew

Burkina Faso returns to democracy in presidential election

Charity School

Education for all children

How a social entrepreneur is trying to improve the situation of disadvantaged school children in Lusaka


Ng’ombe’s desperate health situation

The township Ng’ombe´s clinic lacks space, staff and up-to-date equipment

Gender relations

Young Arab men fight for women’s rights

Women in particular suffer violence in armed conflicts

Press freedom

News agency for Libya

In the middle of armed conflict, Libya has a new independent news agency

Relevant reading

New transnational networks

NGOs are increasingly using the internet for international networking


Fight human trafficking

NGOs call for better coordination of state and non-state efforts to stop human trafficking


Lower subsidies, more renewables

International Energy Agency speaks out against low oil prices and fuel subsidies

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