
Securing EU borders

The tasks carried out by the European border agency have changed since its creation in 2005


Coast guard or paramilitary force?

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex is controversial

G5 Sahel Joint Force

Pulling together

The many military missions attempting to bring stability to West Africa are being hindered by a marked lack of coordination

Autocratic governance

Decades of military rule

A brief history of military rule in Pakistan

South Asian armed forces

They get along well unless they must shoot one another

SWP scholar explains why Pakistan’s military leaders have more political influence than their counterparts in India and Bangladesh


Ending traffic congestion

Zambia is constructing a big two-lane highway with Chinese money


High-risk balancing act

President Joko Widodo wants the military to do more than protect Indonesia from external threats

Impressions of Danish troops engagement in Afghanistan

Ethical dilemmas of military intervention

Non-governmental organisations

Rising to a global health menace

NGO activism must drive whole-of-society response to non-communicable diseases

National crisis

Venezuela on the brink

Negotiations are taking place between the Venezuelan government and the opposition – but an end to the crisis is nowhere in sight

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