
Contaminated water causes cholera

Poor sanitation led to an outbreak of cholera in Zambia

Child abuse

When crime is the best of many bad options

Street children are involved in organised crime in Bangladesh

Asian economies

New cross-border competition policy

ADB economists see need for multilateral rules to guide internet businesses

Childhood and youth

This matter cannot wait

African policymakers must do more than pay lip service to the Sustainable Development Goal to improve education at all levels

Respiratory health

10 % of the disease burden

India needs determined action to fight air pollution

Disease prevention

Sugar crisis in Mexico

In Mexico, a consumer protection organisation campaigns against the food lobby and fights for sensible health policies

Latin America

The grim legacy of dictatorship

Since the end of the military dictatorship, Argentina’s governments have found it difficult to deal with the armed forces


An erratic US president is playing with fire

Trump’s trade policy is ill-advised and dangerous


Many churches, many names

Scholars disagree about whether Africa’s independent churches constitute a group of their own

African Instituted Churches

Close to God and the people

Why the African independent churches matter

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