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Shell shocks during Ramadan

Despite on-going fighting, Libyans celebrate the holy month of Ramadan


Nationalist rhetoric does not help in international arenas

Why populists failed to build European alliance

Our view

“There is no health without mental health”

Almost everywhere in the world, mental illness is a taboo subject


International network

LMU’s Center for International Health cooperates with universities around the world

Mental distress

Workplace violence

Students of an international Masters course are doing research on mental- health risks at the workplace

Young offenders

Tougher law

A Filipino reform to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility is set to further victimise marginalised youth


“Envy and hate”

It is scary that 40 % of Indian voters chose an agenda of blatantly aggressive identity politics

Development policy

Too little and too unambitious

Welthungerhilfe and terre des hommes are calling for more money for official development assistance and more ambitious policies

Low-fee schools

Unsatisfying low-cost schools

In 2016, Global Campaign for Education dispelled myths concerning low-fee for-profit schools

Digital technology

Choosing the right approach

Germany’s Protestant development agencies weigh pros and cons of digital technology

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.