Development and

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Elasticsearch Mini


Relevant reading

Debate on industrial policy

Relevant reading: World Bank economists disagree about interventionist industrial policy

International development banks

“Sensible division of labour”

New and old IFIs can – and should – cooperate in a constructive manner

Private sector

Better skilled employees

Why it makes sense for companies to invest in their staff’s skills

Garments production

Decent conditions and fair wages

Myanmar set to become next low-cost, exploitative and unstable garments production country

Traveling in times of terror

Humanity cannot afford too much air traffic


“We are running out of time”

Many questions are still open after Paris climate agreement


India’s sensible, but insufficient crop insurance

Narendra Modi's scheme will hardly help the rural poor

Health care

A short history of Indian pharma

How government action helped India’s pharma sector to grow


The world’s pill factory

Health services for 80 % of humanity depend on drugs made in India

Labour rights

Minimum wage attracts girls to factories

Higher wages in Bangladesh’s garments sector mean better income but push girls into work as child seamstresses

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.