Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini


Small businesses

Earning money with scorpion poison

Award encourages private entrepreneurship and small businesses start ups in Libya

Urban development

Once there was a lake

Land conflicts in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh

Registration matters

Land titles help to prevent conflict

Why land disputes have become a serious and persistent issue in Cambodia


Praise individuals, not the trend

The growing influence of philanthropy in public affairs is worrisome

Letter to the editor

Marshall Plan with Africa must succeed

African SMEs need better financial services and more competent vocational training, and Germany can help

Land policy

How to ease tensions in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, too many farmers have lost their fields as a consequence of large-scale international investments


Empowering women for economic growth

Women in Togo fight for equal economic opportunities


Education for catching up

Better education and more investments must pave the way to African development

Civil society

Relevant players

Report offers insights into developmental role of German foundations, but does not provide real overview

Marshall Plan with Africa

Private sector as saviour?

Experts discuss merits of foreign direct investments in Africa

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.