Poverty Reduction


Policy recommendations

Rural revitalisation is essential for transforming rural areas, not only in Africa

Rural development


Revitalising rural areas means improving infrastructure and boosting people’s opportunities


Urban food insecurity

Urban hunger is an under-rated problem, for example in Nairobi

Municipal governance

Farming in the metropolis

Low-income Nairobians mitigate hunger and malnutrition by growing their own food


Nobel prize's focus on poverty is welcome, but incomplete

Micro level evidence is insufficient for rising to macro level challenges


Praising the social market economy

Faith leaders in Tanzania do not want to see economy leaving anyone behind


A real school at last

In a refugee camp for Syrians in Lebanon, volunteers have established a school

Mental health

Suicide on the rise

People who suffer from depression need better care in Malawi

Ethnic conflicts

Tribal rifts widen in Zimbabwe

Underdevelopment is responsible for the rising tribal tensions in Zimbabwe


Preventing poverty

How development circles are currently discussing social protection

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