Poverty Reduction


Running dry

Zimbabwe’s drought drags on, causing severe hardships across the population and with no end in sight

Buen Vivir

The good life

The indigenous development concept of Buen Vivir aims to ensure material, social and spiritual satisfaction for all

Dysfunctional policy

Under-performing ODA darling

Despite under-performing governance, Kenya is still a donor darling

Official development assistance

Why taxation matters

Conventional ODA has often proved counterproductive, but there are alternative approaches

Our view

The crucial development challenge

To achieve the SDGs, humankind needs strong and competent institutions at national as well as supranational levels


Fundamental change is indispensable

After failing disastrously, Lebanon’s political system needs fundamental change


Confronting the disease

Depression afflicts 12 million Brazilians, proportionately more than anywhere else in Latin America

Infrastructure projects

Paying the price for development

When people are displaced to make room for large-scale development projects, the trauma and impoverishment are real and long-lasting

Global trends

In urgent need of development

If Africa is not to fall behind further, the continent must develop fast

Fire hazards

Up in flames

Zambian poor are increasingly subject to fire hazards from charcoal and firewood they use for heating and cooking

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