
Why central banks must pay attention to ecological risks

Climate change and nature loss can undermine both macroeconomic and financial stability


Empowerment of female smallholders

An agroecological community project in Mexico has empowered women and achieved a major mindset change of the residents towards them

Global governance

G20 leaders are “not in a state of denial”

Indonesian economist assesses results of Bali summit in November 2022

Our view

UN climate summit in Egypt did not deliver on mitigation

In spite of land mark decision on loss and damage, COP27 was a disappointment

Fighting poverty

Social protection improves food security

Why social safety nets are key to fighting hunger and poverty in the global south

Our view

Why SDG2 – ending hunger – deserves very much attention

For the sake of food security, policymakers must focus on smallholder farms


Saving paradise

Madagascar’s rich nature is at risk and KfW tries to train fishermen to preserve the ecosystem they depend on


Journalists must consider the global public good

Why it is outdated for media to focus on which government is leading the international community


Why Uganda does not have a GMO law

In the fight against hunger, genetically modified organisms look promising, but there are serious worries too

Central America

Planting diverse crops, securing livelihoods

Farming in a traditional and sustainable way benefits biodiversity and helps against external shocks

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