
No panacea

REDD+ money is reinvested in forest protection and sustainable land use

Our view

Human action

Deforestation continues on a global level although it is damaging to human interests in several ways


Irrigation helps to cope with climate change

Irrigation is helping many of Zambia’s rain-dependent small-hold farmers to survive


A legacy of destruction

Suharto era was devastating for Indonesian forests

Preserving forests

Cutting the losses

Deforestation in Indonesia has slowed considerably in recent years but more needs to be done to stop it entirely


Financing the fight against climate change

Facing twin plagues of floods and droughts, Zambia lacks resources to fight the effects of climate change

Water treatment

“Each drop of water matters”

DBL Group, a Bangladeshi garments producer, recycles its industrial water

International law

Companies sue states for ­ climate-protection measures

The Energy Charter Treaty allows companies to legally challenge climate protection laws

International cooperation

Averting “Day Zero”

How to improve urban water supply in sub-Saharan Africa

Water crisis

Vital resource

The climate crisis and overuse of water put the water supply in many countries at risk

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