
Used clothing collection in Germany

The quantity collected by clothing drives has risen significantly since the mid-1990s as consumption habits have changed

Secondhand clothes

Trade in secondhand clothes: the benefits outweigh the costs

The export of secondhand clothing has been criticised, but it has advantages, particularly for low-income people

Sahel region

Innocent suffering in the Sahel region

Climate change is making food insecurity worse in Niger

Environmental protection

Cleaning up Mexico’s water bodies

A NGO hopes to raise awareness for pollution with clean-ups of plastic waste from coastal areas and water bodies across Mexico

Global governance

“Democratic states do not wage war on one another”

In global arena, irrational aspirations are pitted against reasoned deliberation

Climate-risk insurance

Informal farming in the city

In Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, many farms face an uncertain future

Relevant reading

Climate hazards are increasing fast

UNEP demands fast climate action to prevent even more extreme weather

Disaster preparedness

Boosting disaster preparedness in the Ganges Delta

Bangladesh has made remarkable progress towards climate resilience

Social protection

How social-protection systems matter in the climate crisis

Social safety nets help to protect disadvantaged people from climate impacts

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