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Democracy is better

Why dictatorship is less efficient than apologists want us to think

Human security

Global silence in view of genocidal action

Bangladesh is largely left to itself in view of dramatic Rohingya refugee crisis

Colonial past

Remembrance and retributive justice

Reconciliation requires more than an acknowledgement of genocide

Labour relations

One law for all

Bangladesh’s labour legislation has improved, but more needs to happen


Confusing scenario

Kenyans’ long-term trust in democracy depends on the rerun election being clean and fair

A bad situation turned worse

Myanmar’s Rohingya community on the run

History repeating itself

Hun Sen cracks down on critics

Rule of law

Kenya is heading for rerun elections

Kenyan voters face a confusing scenario after Supreme Court decision


South Sudan cross-border cooperation

Media houses from South Sudan and Uganda have formed a new network

CUP changes stance and stands by China Quarterly

Cambridge University leaders insist on academic freedom

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