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EU policy

“The flow has not stopped”

Agadez in Niger is a transit hub for many African refugees – both on the way north and on the way back

Refugees in Lebanon

Poverty and a lack of rights

Lebanon has taken in over a million refugees and is struggling with many problems


Uganda’s open doors

Many South Sudanese escape the violence in their country by fleeing to Uganda

Informal livelihoods

The debate that never was

Unfortunately, Prime Minister Imran Khan fast watered down promise to grant citizenship to refugees born in Pakistan


“Refugees can make contributions to host communities”

Sussi Prapakranant of the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) explains the challenges of refugee politics in Southeast Asia

Our view

Setting the wrong example

The international community must assume responsibility for refugees

Peace talks

Marginalised government

The dangers of the US administration negotiating with the Taliban without involving the Afghan government

Child labour

Underage miners

Dangerous child labour is still rampant in Zambia

Rohingya minority

A history of persecution

Why Rohingya flee from Myanmar

African development

Continent of growth

Politicians and investors discuss development plans for Africa

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.