Landwirtschaft, ländliche Entwicklung

Seed banks preserve diversity

In order to ensure global food security, it is important to stop the loss of crop diversity. Seed banks play a central role

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Our view

Integrated rural development matters more than ever

Spiking food prices call for agricultural policymaking rather than macroeconomic management. In view of the climate crisis, challenges have increased

Water infrastructure

Using groundwater sustainably in sub-Saharan Africa

Groundwater offers considerable opportunities for socio-economic development, particularly in agriculture. The BGR is helping partner countries exploit this resource

Global governance

How to safeguard food security in climate crisis

The global food system both contributes to climate change and is threatened by it

Pastoralist communities

Greenhouses in the desert

In Kenya’s Turkana County, the climate crisis is wreaking havoc. Severe droughts, disappearing water sources and dwindling livestock are driving the Turkana people to the brink of famine. Local organisations are trying to achieve food security

Food security

Female farmers need more support in Ghana

In Ghana, female farmers are essential for ensuring food security and nutrition, but they often face systemic challenges

Water tenure

Fair access to water for all

In many places, water use is not sufficiently regulated by law. The FAO’s Global Dialogue on Water Tenure aims to make a difference

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Springshed management

Save the Himalayan springs

Many springs in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region are drying up. Preventing degradation is crucial, and local communities need to be involved


Zambia’s farmers learn about new technologies in agriculture

The Zambia National Farmers Union encourages farmers to use new tools and technologies to improve their yields


In India, deadly disease is linked to deforestation

Where natural environments are healthy, the zoonoses Nipah and KFD are less likely to spread among humans

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