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Rule of law

President Widodo’s war on drugs

In 2015 and 2016, Indonesia executed 18 drug offenders

Organised crime

Paradigm change

To protect people from harm, the Global Commission argues that drugs should be regulated not prohibited


Gangsters colluding with governments

Brazilian scholar warns that prohibition is compounding drug-related problems

The USA is in constitutional crisis

In the USA, even conservative media pundits consider Trump dangerous

Change of government

Flamboyant icon of the past

In his first TV address as Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan did not comment on the most pressing challenges


Extorting travellers

Why some people still pay bribes to cross ECOWAS borders

Letter to the editor

The quirks of misguided decentralisation in Benin

Reader continues discussions of our focus section “Tax disputes”

Public discourse

Indispensable quality journalism

Journalism’s quality standards, and the public must understand them

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