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Klima, Energie

Natural disasters

Great risks, huge challenges

WorldRiskIndex asssess people’s vulnerability in regard to natural catastrophes

Solid data

Exposed to global warming

Northeast India is a global leader on adaptation to climate change


Banana, coffee, rubber trees

Agroforestry makes sense for marginalised people in the Philippines uplands

Op-Ed views

Much ado

Op-Ed voices on the UN environment summit Rio+20

Emerging power

Coal, solar or nuclear power?

Energy: South Africa is torn between fossil, renewable and nuclear options


Walk the talk

Rich nations must walk the talk on climate finance


High stakes

REDD+ approaches to protecting forests make sense, but need to be drafted prudently

Kyoto Protocol

Significant progress

The Kyoto Protocol’s Adaptation Fund is setting the right examples

New institution

Time pressure on the Green Climate Fund

Time pressure on the Green Climate Fund

Private sector

New energy for investors

Institutional investors are interested in renewable energy generation, but regulations must improve

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