Development and


Child marriage

Political will

Uganda´s government tries to reduce the high rates of child marriages

Muslim society

Act of bravery

Financial problems are the main reason for divorce in Indonesia


Multiple loss

With the death of their husband, Ugandan women usually lose their land too

Social life

Ida’s story

Divorced women tend to be excluded from social life, and the pressure to remarry is great


“It is good when walls come down”

Why international youth exchange matters in all world regions

Sex education

Baby dumping

Lack of knowledge about contraception leads to unwanted pregnancies in Ghana


“Incentives for behaviour change”

Wecyclers help to tackle garbage challenge in Lagos, Nigeria

Primary schools

India is facing huge challenges

India’s rural primary schools still have room for improvement


Setting the right example

In India, non-formal schools perform well, especially among those least likely to get a good education


“A quitter never wins”

For Jamaica to excel in athletics, young talents need support

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